So my husband and I informed the staff that there should be another box. The older male employee said in a confident voice "It says one set equals two boxes, so here you go - you are good" Again, we repeated that there was a missing box and again he repeated what he had just said. His female co-worker agreed with him saying that because the box said "one set" on it - this was our one set. Again, we told them that yes, we ordered one set, but the set comes with two boxes as stated on the box. We said, "This is box 1 of 2 and now we need box 2 of 2"
They were very confused and continued to argue with us until we mentioned it to a third co-worker who suggested they go back and check just in case we were right. Of course we were right! After all, we read the box. So, fifteen minutes later they came out with "box 2 of 2" on a six wheeler and didn't say a word more to us.
Then my husband told them he would pull the car up to the front where they could load it. The older male emplyee said, "Car? You expect this to fit in a car?" so we said, "SUV". Then he laughed at us even though I told him the seats fold down. So when he came out and saw our SUV he said "Are you kidding me? How are you going to get this in there?" he seemed very annoyed. I told him, "Very easily. The seats fold down and then we slide them in" he couldn't envision it because all he saw were three throws of seats and no where to put these boxes. So then he said,
"Where you going to put the kids?"
So I said, "We are not going to fold down all the seats"
He was very confused. He didn't realize our seats fold down individually not as an entire row.
Long story short all kids were able to fit in the car, in a car seat. As for me that was another story. My husband wanted to come back and pick me up later but I told him I could fit too. I didn't want to stay behind with the negative Walmart employees, I wanted to show them that where there is a will there is a way. Anything is possible. So, I got in and this is how we drove home. Uncomfortable? A little but we live just down the road.
It took Manuel about 10 hours to put the swing set together and he still has to put the roof on. We are going to paint it gray and put shingles on the roof. I'll post on here when it's done.
What's the most bazaar thing that you ever did for your kids?

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