I always feel sad when one of us is sick and our cute little family is broken up on Sunday. My handsome husband, Gabe and Paisley looked so nice today and I just had to snap a picture. As for Cambrey, she feels enslaved to the bathroom and has made this his her temporary home since yesterday. That's right - yesterday after the beautiful baptism of my nephew Caden, this little girl got sick and puked all over my brother's house on his white carpet. I did what most mom's would do in a situation like that and I picked her up like a football and took off running toward the bathroom. However, being 5 months pregnant sure changes your limits and abilities which is why I tripped and fell and landed right on my little baby girl squeezing every drop out of her as we slid down the hallway like a baseball player sliding into home plate; giving us both carpet burns. As I lay on bed last night with ice packs on my knees. I thought back to that sweet moment as she was standing there is my brother's bathroom feeling so out of place, embarrassed and sick and she said in her tiny little voice, "Mommy I love you."
Yes, that's what my mind kept referring back to as I waited in a snowstorm for 30 minutes for my mom and sister to meet me off the freeway so we could exchange our sons' church shoes. Yes, my nephew accidentally took Gabe's shoes and Gabe was stuck with a pair of shoes too small to even try and put on so he could walk out in the snow and get in our car. While waiting to exchange the shoes my battery died and I had to get my car jumped. Oh what a day! How I wished Manuel wasn't sick at home with a sinus infection but with me in that horrid storm. But we started our day with a prayer that we would all be safe, so I was very thankful that we were indeed safe amidst a terrible snow storm and a long journey on the freeway.
There's something so sweet about being a mother and taking care of a sick child who is positive that you as her mother, are the only person in the entire world who has the ability to make her feel better. As I poured drops of pedialite into her parched mouth last night while her limp body lay in my arms, she smiled, hugged my arm and said again, "Mommy I love you."
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