Friday, March 14, 2014

Thanksgiving Point Competition!

Last Friday Crista's family came up. I watched my nephews while her oldest two boys competed in their hockey tournament in Ogden. Their family spent the night and the kids joined us for pizza night. Her boys were getting over a sickness and had "the runs" it spread to our family. Cambrey had used the bathroom a couple of times before I was able to sanitize it. Thank goodness it takes 2 days to incubate or the girls wouldn't have been able to go to their first clogging competition the next day. Cambrey got sick Sunday morning and threw up, she had to stay home from church. I was supposed to teach the young men and young women in a combine lesson during the third hour and Manuel taught his primary class the second hour - so we had to trade being home with Cambrey.

On Tuesday Paisley got it right after I brought her home from kindergarten. She threw up right in front of her friend and was embarrassed. She ended up missing clogging. Two days later, we warned Gabe it was his turn and sure enough he called from school and said that he had thrown up in the bathroom. He was sick all day and couldn't even have water. Paisley was the same way. In addition to washing all the bedding and clothes from being sick, I had to move all the furniture out of the rooms because we had all the carpets cleaned (9 areas). I don't sleep at night anymore because of leg cramps and so it has been one exhausting week!

We went to Thanksgiving Point last weekend. The girls had their first clogging competition and they won first place on both dances. Also, their clogging group won the giant trophy for "best overall" out of all the dance groups and studios. I am so proud of them - they clog so good!

Cherise and Grandma Bev came to watch. Afterward, we celebrated my birthday. We went to the shops and Manuel bought the kids some fun candy from the candy shop. I tried to buy some creamy coconut syrup (for pancakes) made in Utah, and some local gummy peach rings, but the line was too long. Darn it!

We were in a time crunch, so we headed to the deli for lunch. My mom bought me a bacon, bleu cheese burger and a Greek salad. The food was very yummy. The kids had kids' meals. Cameron's family met up with us and they were sick as well. It was very loyal of them to come. They had the same thing our family caught.

My mom asked me to bring a cake, so I made lime cupcakes and she passed them out at the ice cream shop and the manager came out and got angry because you are not allowed to bring in outside food. My mom began to cry. She had a rough day and was very emotional and edgy. I felt bad for the poor worker who brought out 25-cent cones instead of the fifty-cent cones my mom ordered. We didn't mind but I thought she was going to chop off his head. No, she became angry and cried and he may have quit his job later. 

After that, we went to the dinosaur museum. My brother and his family forgot their tickets and so of course my mom had a panic attack. She ended up getting everyone in for free by getting an employe to feel sorry for her and all that she had been through. Then at the museum we were in a big room and Cambrey went up to the second floor of that room and a man took her to the front desk saying she was lost. So then we thought she got abducted and it was very scary. Finally an employee brought her to us.

I'm ready for a nice relaxing vacation!

DAILY QUESTION - Have you ever lost one of your children before?

Making key lime cupcakes with cousins

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