Monday, August 4, 2014

Paisley's Frozen Birthday Party

Paisley turned Six on the 23rd of July! She has wanted a Frozen party ever since the movie came out. There wasn't a whole lot of birthday supplies to choose from at all the stores and because she has been to a few Frozen parties already, we didn't want to have the exact same party favors and invites - so I had to get creative.

I started by making our own invitations and printing them at FedEx. Then when deciding on a cake I thought about all the past parties when we had cake or cupcakes and the girls never ate them. Maybe just one bite or none at all. It seemed like a waste of delicious cake and ice cream so I decided this year I would make a jell-o instead. It was perfect for a hot July day anyways. Jell-o is less than a dollar to make (so I wouldn't feel so bad if they wasted it) and the girls ended up eating the whole thing because it was so refreshing and fun.

The Jell-O was perfect because it looked like a frozen lake with an iceberg (the cool whip) floating in the middle. It was so easy to make. I had a girl that is allergic to everything and couldn't have cool whip on her jell-o - which is why I made an iceberg in the middle instead of covering the entire jell-o. I took my girls' Frozen toys they got for Christmas and used them to decorate the cake. I also used blue raspberry marshmallows that I bought from Walmart back in April to create ice blocks. And.. I used Hostess snow-balls to make the hills on the iceberg. And I built a little snowman on the side using white marshmallows and a tic-tac for his nose. I found light blue cake decorating gel with blue sparkles in it at Walmart. I used that to draw icicles all along my iceberg. I left the jell-o decorating to the very last minute (5 minutes before the first guest arrived) so it didn't look at all how I was going to make it. You can tell I made it in a hurry. I was going to build an ice castle out of the marshmallows and I had light blue sugar crystals I was going to sprinkle over the iceberg to make it look like snow. 

Back in April I had also bought blue cookies mix with blue frosting from Walmart. I used that to make blue raspberry cookies. I didn't want them to get wasted, so I wrapped them individually in cellophane baggies I already had from Hobby Lobby and tied them with blue ribbon. I put them in the goodie bags to take home.

With the jell-o we served Frozen punch which was just blue kool-aid.The girls loved it. I also found blueberry white chocolate covered pretzels that looked like they had ice on them (at Walmart). I bought the Hershey's bliss white chocolates wrapped in blue foil because they looked like ice cubes. They also make real chocolate ice cubes but they are wrapped in gold and red foil and only at specialty stores. They are called "Ice cubes". I also considered buying the new blue creme filled Twinkies and I was going to slice them up on platter.

For games: We played Don't Break the Ice which we already had in our game closet. We played it like musical chairs. Everyone sat in a circle and passed the hammer around. Whoever broke the ice had to leave the circle until we had one person left (the winner). During the entire party we had the Frozen movie playing. 

The next game we played was the ice cube relay. Two teams competed by placing an ice cube on a spoon and holding their other hand behind their back. They had to walk as quickly as they could to the fence and back and pass the spoon to the next person in line. If the ice cube fell off they had to pick it up and keep going. There was a bucket of ice cubes  in front of the teams. The winning team each won a blue sucker.

Next, we made snow globes from baby food jars. I created this idea eight years ago with my oldest child and we make them at all of our parties now. Kids love them! I already had snow confetti and glitter. Hobby Lobby already has their winter stuff out so I was able to find lots of cute snow flake stickers and little ornaments to in our snow globes. I spray painted the lids with silver spray paint that I already had earlier that day. I then hot glued the big plastic snowflakes to the lids and then we set up an assembly line where the girls passed down bottles of glitter and confetti and put in what they liked. We wrote their names on the sides of the lids. Then My husband filled them with water and super glued the lids on while we played our next game. 

The next game we played was Hot and Cold with a big plastic ice cube I already had that has a flashing light inside of it. Paisley went out of the room while we hid it and then she came back in and we led her to it by saying "hot" when she was close and "cold" when she was far away from it.

Last we opened presents just in time for parents to start showing up! There were so many other fun things we did for her party that you can see below. I think blue snow cones would also have been fun to do. I had fun getting creative with the prize bag and party favors. We filmed lots of fun videos of her party but my husband somehow lost them on his phone - so I was very sad :(  We would have built our own "Olafs" from marshmallows, toothpicks and orange tic-tacs (for the nose) to take home, but one of our guests had severe allergies so she wouldn't have been able to. This party was lots of fun!

I followed her into her classroom on her birthday!

Snowflakes on the door.

The party bags.

These were the prizes for the games.
Those are the Frozen Fruit Snacks I found at Walmart.
These were stuffed in the goody bags.

I decorated the wet bar downstairs. I still had snowflakes left over from a bulletin board I did last winter. I hung them from fishing line on the ceiling. I love using vases for the balloons. I can blow them up at home and not have to worry about them popping or blowing away from my car. I put them on sticks from the party store.

My rush jell-o decorating job. I loved the blue sparkle cake gel to make icicles.

Cambrey had some anxiety from all the girls and didn't want to be in the group picture.
The gifts.

There's our Don't Break the Ice game.

I bought this decorative ice on Clearance at Walmart and sprinkled it all over. I made the snowman from parts I bought at Hobby Lobby.
I put out my crystal dishes since they look like ice.

Playing the ice cube relay!

I cut that picture out of the Frozen Fruit Snack box.

Just his size!
The pony was from Oma. She loved it!

She got a free dinner from Famous Dave's BBQ.
Making the snow globes.

The snow globes. These were the biggest hit!

Blowing out her candle on the jell-o.
The frosted pretzels.

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