Monday, July 14, 2014

It was a Red Hot Fourth!

The fourth of July was a hot day! Manuel had a soccer game to watch so I took the kids to the Kaysville parade and sat by my neighbors. It was along walk to the spot by the fire station but at the end of the parade I learned why that was the best spot! It was the longest parade I have ever been to. Almost 2 and a half hours - but at the end the city has a giant water fight. The fire station turns on all their hoses and sprays the crowd. Then fire trucks drive through the street and spray the crowd while shooting fireworks off the truck. Other floats come through and they spray everyone as well. Then all the bystanders get out their water guns and spray everyone as well. It's a good, wet time!

After the parade, Grandma Bev came up. We had a BBQ in the backyard and then we went and saw the Layton City fireworks. The next morning we went to Jeremiah's in Ogden and had breakfast. Then we went to the Hill Air Force Base museum. After that, we went home and the kids filled up the pool and cooled down. It was a fun weekend!!

At the neighborhood Popsicle party!

How many ways can you eat a hand?

They both won an award on the last day of school for perfect attendance!
Our beautiful lilies.

The Fourth of July!

I bought this at the Willardson Family Reunion
Getting ready to go to the parade!

I made these loaves of bread. They have no gluten, no wheat, no sugar, no yeast and no dairy.

Picking cherries at the parade!

Paisley riding the zip line.

Me, Lindsey and Ashley

Getting sprayed by the fire department

Gabe and Paisley got soaked!

Our barbeque burger dinner.

My healthy gluten free burger and kale chips. Everyone else had potato chips and jell-o salad.

The girls wanted me to paint fireworks on their faces.
Grandma Bev made carrot cake.

Fireworks in the driveway before we go to the firework show,.

The Layton City fireworks

See that little dot in the sky? There was a giant thing on fire flying across the sky. It looked like a UFO on fire. It never came down but continued to float up and westward.

Tetem's first firework show!

We went to Jeremiah's for breakfast.

My healthy cheese-free omelet.

At the Hill Air Force Base Museum.

It was a hot day!

Our squash!

Our peppers!
Our apples!

Our raspberries!

Nieghborhood walk-about ice cream social! After church, all the neighbors walk around and mingle and have treats.

Our grapes!
Our lettuce!

Baby Tatem at three months old!

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