Tuesday, April 15, 2014

He's Here!

Baby Tatem is here! On Thursday April 10th at 5:00am I went into labor. I was afraid to wake anyone up because it was so early, so I took a shower and got ready and by 6:00am the contractions were so strong I decided to tell Manuel and call my neighbor to come stay with the kids. At 7:00am we arrived at the hospital and at 8:32am Tatem was born!

We only stayed at the hospital for one day and one night. It was a good experience and we love our little baby so much. The next day Manuel took the girls to their Utah State Clogging Competition and the won first place! Then he took Gabe to soccer. My mom came, Cherise and Jared came up. They brought gifts and my mom made dinner.

Life is so wonderful right now. We have been blessed in so many ways. We were brought nine dinners from our wonderful neighbors in the first few days of being home from the hospital. The doorbell has been ringing constantly with wonderful members and friends from our ward wanting to bring us gifts and meals.We decided to freeze them and now I don't have to cook for another week. It's been such a blessing. We live in the best neighborhood on the planet! I have to say it is such a good feeling to let other people serve you. I had forgotten what it's like - humbling and heart warming.

 We decided as a family we are going to do some service this weekend at church and in our community to pay it forward for all the service we have received. Manuel is going to take the kids to clean the church and help someone put in their new sod. Paisley is going to draw pictures and I'm going to write lots of "thank you" cards.

The kids love their new little brother and they are all such good helpers. He will be a spoiled little boy (in a healthy way).

DAILY QUESTION: When was the last time you let someone serve you?

Big boy!
Dr. Johnson holding Tatem

Getting ready to deliver.

Grandma Bev, Tatem and Cambrey.
Grandma Bev made these brownies.

Grandma Bev gave the girls a tea set with little tubs to wash the dishes in. The kids did this all Saturday afternoon.

This is the family photo we took at Grandma Bev's 60th birthday party.
Cherise and Jared with the kids.
The girls after they came home from their competition.

Such a good brother.

Looking into the nursery for Tatem
Ready to leave the hospital.

Gabe and Paisley got to meet Leo the Lion from Real Salt Lake at soccer sign-ups.

Holding Tatem for the first time.

The kids waiting to meet Tatem for the first time.

Meeting Tatem

Manuel packed them dinner - ravioli.

The hospital offers a "candlelight dinner" for the moms and dads of new babies. Manuel and I ordered Philly Cheese Steak subs.
Look at that hair.

The hospital also gives pedicures and free salon services to the moms that had new babies. I got a nice pedicure in my hospital room.

Manuel playing soccer with the kids.
Tatem's bed

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