Monday, September 16, 2013

Random Stuff

Helping mommy pick tomatoes from the ward garden
Cambrey took a picture of my farm gear

Ready to go picking!
She's excited

Driving on our neighborhood street. (She's really good at steering) Trust me we don't do this on the main roads - just in our neighborhood.
Coming home from school

It's harvest time! I picked so many tomatoes from our ward garden that I spent two days straight canning them. I made salsa and pasta sauce. I also picked cucumbers and peppers and made pickles and pickled peppers. Our own garden has had quite the harvest but our fruit trees had a hiccup and all the fruit they produced never ripened. I think it has to do with the water than runs into our flower bed from the backyards behind us. The ground is too wet.

Oh how I miss making spiced peach butter, pear butter and apple butter. There's always next year right?


Are you a canner? What is your favorite thing to can?

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