Monday, July 22, 2013

Little Mermaid (Ariel) Party - Paisley Turns Five


Fish, fish, fish!

Mermaid snacksIt was Gabe's idea to stick these glitter dolphins above the napkins.

Stuffed the prize bags with this as well as the sea shell candies and Swedish fish
prize bags

The topping is cool whip, dry vanilla pudding mix (to thicken it) and Duncan Heinz blue colored cotton candy frosting flavoring.
Mermaid Cake!

There weren't enough seats for baby sister.We read Paisley's favorite book

Paisley's presents!

Our two game winners! They won mermaid dolls.

Making sea shell necklaces

Mermaid Cake!
Strawberry cake with cotton candy flavored whipped topping! I bought the doll at Walmart for $5 and bought the seashell candy mold at Hobby Lobby.

Paisley showed the girls how she met Ariel once

We served "sea water" to drink

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