Saturday, March 7, 2015

February Fun

We had fun in February! The kids were off-track from school and there was so much to do. I started the month with our annual big "New Beginnings" activity at church. It's a very special night where the girls bring their parents and we welcome the new beehive girls who turn 12. We turned the church into a cruise ship and had a very special night.

We gave the kids skiing lessons, went roller skating, celebrated birthdays, a baptism, Valentine's Day and went to a dance. Also, the girls had their first clogging performance of the year. The young women and I "heart attacked" some neighbors - we wrote special messages on a bunch of paper hearts an stuck them all over their door and left plates of cookies. Then we ran away and hid. It was so much fun.

It's been a fun month and now that March is here, we continue to have more fun!

I was excited to see this at the grocery store! 

I made this fruit dip for the young women's activity at church.

These are the fruit kebabs I made to go with the dip.

This is the world-wide theme for all the youth of the church this year. Our activity was based off of the word "embark"
Here is the "sea water" drink

Baby Tatem likes pickles.

Grandpa Roger and Grandma Candice
At cousin Easton's baptism.

Easton turned eight years old! 

Easton got a very nice CTR (choose the right) ring!

We gave Easton a white drink and Gabe made him a special card. Now that he is baptized he is clean, pure and as white as snow.

Me and Manuel

Baby Tatem discovered our shower.

This is his favorite part about getting changed.

The kids and I had lunch at "Kneaders" We love their soups and desserts! 
On Sundays we go for walks after church.

I made apple cobbler for dessert. 

I made fried mushrooms, garlic sauce, steak and salad.
My newest creation is the "sushi burger". Wow! Manuel and the kids loved it!!

Here is the "sushi burger" in it's complete beauty! Ginger, teryaki beef patty, California sushi roll with Asian slaw and crispy fried onions on top and a sweet teryaki glaze. I also made sweet potato fries with sweet and creamy ginger dip!

Gabe was awarded a bunch of awards at scouts. He is an awesome boy scout! 

Isn't he so precious?

This was Cambrey after her Valentine party at school.

We made Valentine cookies for our neighbors.

Playing in the garage.

His first time touching grass.


My own made up recipe for rinderbruaten. Manuel loved it!!

Paisley on Valentine's Day!
We put a big heart in her hair!

I volunteered at Gabe's Valentine party at school. I made Valentine Bowling and the kids loved it! 

I ate lunch with Gabe and Paisley at school and then played with them outside at recess.

I invented these really yummy valentine cupcakes! 

They had cream filling inside and cream frosting n top!

For pizza night we went to the Pizza Factory!

It was the night before Valentine's Day and we went to a free dance that was sponsored by Layton City! 

At the dance, there were tables for the kids to make special valentines cards.
There was also live bands playing fun music. We danced a lot!

On Valentine's Day I woke up to these cute little boxes hidden all around the house with sweet notes on them and treats inside. Manuel is so thoughtful and creative!

Grandma Bev spen Valentine's Day with us. We went to the park.

Manuel and went to a sushi placed called "Tona" Their sushi is so good that there was a 2-hour wait. 

Squid salad



We took the kids to Powder Mountain to go skiing! 
They had their very first ski lesson.

There is Paisley and Cambrey with their instructor!

We ended the day with dinner at the lodge!

This is a giant plate of french fried, with a heaping pile of sweet shredded pork, BBQ sauce, melted cheddar cheese, sour cream and onions! It fed our whole family.

We roasted "pumpkin pie" flavored marshmallows over the stove and made s'mores. We were invited to our friend's house to roast marshmallows in the backyard over a campfire and look at planets through a telescope rained!!

This is a s'mores.

This is the cake I made for my mom for her birthday. I made it homemade - it's my own creation!

Manuel and I went on a special date to the Jordan River temple. We go to the temple once every month. 

My siblings and our spouses celebrated my mom's birthday at a Hibachi-style Japanese restaurant. 

We went back to my mom's and Cherise made games for us to play.

Everyone said this was the best cake that they ever tasted!

After church
A yummy pasta salad that I made.

The kids playing under the stairs.

The young women and I had a fun activity at the church.
Gabe babysat the kids in the church while I had my activity. He was such a good babysitter.
My yummy steak salad with fried onions!

We went to Classic Fun Center for an entire day!

The kids learned how to roller skate.

We finally ordered Gabe's basketball hoop!  We helped Manuel build it.

The girls had their first clogging performance! It was winterfest.

I took the kids to Zupas for lunch. We love their soups and making our own sodas.

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